Thursday 23 September 2010

Story boards

This is one of the most crucial stages of post production as we can truly test out what we want to be on screen but also start to put the shots within a time scales and decided of the type of shot needed.Through editing the storboards we get a better understanding of the edting style we needed to adapt to fit in with our music video. All in all we had about ninety drawings to cover the whole song.
Most of the shots of the rappers are actually close ups, with them rapping right into the camera to give a kind of in your face vibe. Whereas, there are a lot of mid shots of the alien walking down the street and interacting with other people. Ths creates a contract between their two personalities and shows the alien to be shy and timid but the rappers to be confident and outgoing.
The edited verison of the storyboards as if it were our actual footage, which will be shown in a later post.

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