Wednesday 29 September 2010


Fist strand- alien
The alien we want to create will be a shade of dark green, dressed in a colour matching green jumpsuit. Other factors to construct the look of the alien will be a third eye and two antennae coming from his temples. We also came up with the idea that two fingers from each han could be tapped together then painted over so that it looks like he only has four, as apposed to five on each hand.

Second Strand- performance element
Although we do not have a live band there will be three rappers (like in the Beastie Boys)wearing ientical silver jumpsuits. They will also be wearing accesories like flat caps, nike trainers and large gold chains. We wanted to put a modern twist on the video but still comply to the sci-fi theme. By putting both the alien nd the rappers in jumpsuites and looking like they are from outter space we are tying them together but not directly as they arent wearing the same colour.

Third strand- cool element
There will be two factors comprising the "cool" element of the music video. We will have the three rappers play fighting with light sabbers and photoshopped images of the alien on the front cover to Vouge magazine with super models.

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