Wednesday 22 September 2010

Letter to record lable

Def Jam records
2220 Colorado Avenue,
Santa Monica,
CA 90404
6th October 2010

Dear Sirs,

Myself and Alex Roberts would like to use your song “Intergalactic” for our A level media promotional pop video task at Hurtwood House. The aim is to create a unique video idea to go with your chosen song; our idea is keeping in tune with the video you created. Our ideas include an Alien coming to the planet Earth and instantaneously getting given a contract. We will use many shots to show the rise and fall of him and have fast cut editing to three rappers miming the words of the song. We hope that this will be ok especially as it is school policy to upload completed videos onto you tube. If you would like to contact us please email me back or have any questions do not hesitate to ask.

Many thanks, yours sincerely

Stephanie White and Alex Roberts

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