Sunday 19 September 2010

Music Video conventions

Common generic conventions of popular music promo videos Along with the bands identity being promoted, it could be thought of as a brand aimed for mass consumption. The bands talent is showcased through the video, which could be in the form of instrument, dancing or musical creativity. By incorporating many different types of shots e.g. tracking, close ups and innovative camera movements it creates an element of surprise and rattles the audience. By selecting a thematic element suiting the bands image the audience will be able to identify with them adding other strands of narrative the skeletal structure of the video will be made. Most music videos conform to using three strands in a music video, consisting of performance element, narrative element and enigmatic strand where the band usually does something surprising. Usually the third strand shows the band in a quirky, personal light disregarding realism. To give a greater sense of rhythm the shots can be cut to the beat of the song, reinforcing the song into the viewers mind. Depending on the image of the band special effects, animation. CGI and suggestive lighting can be used. While keeping the band occupied and looking appropriate the mise en scene must also conform to the theme of the video. If the tone is slow, perhaps the use of paler less vibrant costume and background will reflect this.
Keith Negus said the organic acts tend to follow some of these conventions
1) ‘naturalistic’ approach to artists

this relates to the appearance of the music video, whther it is minimalistic and focuses on the artist or whether the music video is concerned more with the narrative strand and less bout them as a musician.
2) The seeds of success are within the artists, who have to be ‘nurtured’ by the record company.

This could suggest the artist was already talented and had no star imgae before joining the music industry.
3)The image of the artist is ‘enhanced’ by the record company.
4)Emphasis is given to album sales and the construction of a successful back catalogue
5)Often aimed at older or more sophisticated consumers
younger audience tend to be less excitted by raw talent whereas older audiences will be more likely to appreciate their sound.
6)Profits generated by this kind of act tend to be part of a long term strategy by the record company

this is the record label stratergie as the organic artists apply to a smaller audience than the synthetis groups, therefore making them less likely to make a lot of money in the short term.

Keith Negus also referred to synthetic acts that followed these conventions.
1)A combinatorial approach to artists and material
this relates to the way inwhich the record label market the band. They will try to associate the band with what is cool and trendy now, making them appeal to a wider audience.
2)Executives attempt to construct successful acts out of the artists and the songs at their disposal

the band themselves will most likely not write their own music but sing other peoples songs.
3)The image of the artist is often constructed by the record company
the record label will dictate which gigs, clothes and personality of the band to ensure they sell more records.
4)Emphasis is given to single sales and to promoting first albums
more money is spent on launching syntetic bands then organic ones so there is more pressure from investers to get profit in the short term.
5)Often aimed at younger, less sophisticated audiences
For example, Blue, Pussy cat dolls, mcfly and busted.
6)Profits generated by this kind of artist tend to be part of an immediate, short term strategy by the record company

the synthetic music industry is very competitive so record label need to make money in the short term for the band to continue.

I researched and analysed the major conventions of Britney Spears music video "Toxic", she is a very popular synthetic artist who follows a generic approach to her videos.

In this video we se Britney playing many different parts, one for example is her dancing in a see through, diamond encrusted catsuite. This follows the generic conventions of a sysnthetic artist as there is sex appeal. In all of the other outfits she either shows clevage of her legs, which is done to entice the audience to but her album and watch her music videos. Although, there are some organis aspects to britney carrer; she is a long term investment to the record lable and been around for over seven years. She also was in the mickey mouse club when younger, showing she did have a natural voice and did have talent

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