Saturday 19 March 2011

on-going development of the digi-pak

The digi pak should include pictures of the band, a track list, bar code, record label signature photo, small print and maybe a personal message from the band.
All of these aspects form an image for the band and to promote their image we use synergy. For this task Alex and I tried to make the digi pak as different as we could to others out at the moment to attract our target audience and also to

make sure as many people as possible would look at the band.
The front cover is used as a device to attract the target audience as this is the first thing most people will see when in a CD shop. We also wanted to make sure the back cover tied in with the theme and so used a picture of the alien in the spacecraft with the other tracks on the album next to him. Thus, making it very important. Depending on the age, gender and style of the target audience different techniques will be used. For example our target audience is 16-25 years olds and so we wanted a fun looking front cover with the space invader symbol shown predominantly. We then carried on the space invader symbol throughout the digi pak and poster to give the band synergy. After looking at the digi pak, the audience will associate the band with that symbol meaning the record label can then go on to sell Cobalt rapture merchandise with that symbol on it, making the band more recognisable. We felt the audience could relate to this symbol as it is a popular video game and it shows the playful vibe of the band but also their 90s style. The inlays include a picture of all of the rapper bending over. We did this as if the front cover was them leaning toward the camera and the first inlay looks as if there is a camera behind them. This relates to their image of low socioeconomic group as the first photo apart from the album cover looks as if it was an accident. Also relating to the part in the video when everything goes wrong for the rappers and the space ship nearly crashes, causing a visual link to the pop promo. The location of all of our digi pak pictures is the space craft, mostly because we had not made up a set anywhere else, but also because we felt the spacecraft was an iconic look for them as not many other bands had done this recently.

For our digi pak we used a continuous writing style throughout, and also used that font in the poster. We did this for synergy as when the audience see the writing they will relate it to the band. It took quite a while to find an appropriate font that worked with the bands image and pictures. In the end we used a graphiti looking font and put four letters over each other to make it look as though it was moving. The main colour we selected was blue because the bands name is Cobalt Rapture and most people think the element cobalt is blue.

By using the same font and colour scheme in both the digi pak and poster, I feel the image of the band was promoted successfully through synergy. The style of both the poster and digi pak compliment each other and promote the band image of young men wanting to have a good time but not being perfect was achieved successfully.

These are some example of the writing we were thing about using.

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