Sunday 13 February 2011


Alex and I got together to talk about the sways we could incorporporate synergy. Synergy is referred to as, the interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.
The digi pak has 4-6 frames, usually with a common theme running through the background, writing and style. I have included a picture to show how the folding of paper gives shape of the digi Pak.

Our initial idea for our digi-pak was to have the boys poking their head through the space ship as the front cover, the alien on set for the back cover and pictures of the band on the two inlays. Luckily, on the day of shooting we took many photographs so we had a lot of choice. Because of the video, we wanted to incorporate a sci-fi feel to the digi pak to help for promotions; we did this by using a special font of writing and colours. The symbol we chose for the band is a space invader, which we incorporated into the back cover as a bar code. We felt this could be used as a kind of synergy as when people now see the image they will cast their mind back to Cobalt Rapture. This is the space invader image we used:

The back cover the alien standing within the space craft set smiling. We wanted the alien to be the last thing the audience see so they will remember the music video ad possibly he was the most memorable part of the music video. This further links the digi-pak to the science fiction theme evident in the music video. By using the image the audience will also realise that the band is not regular pop as images of the band are not displayed throughout the digi pak.. The back cover also shows a track list, barcode, record label and small print.
The intended front cover was supposed to be the rappers staring frantically out of the space craft that looks as if it’s rapidly declining down to Earth. However we felt that the front cover instead should be a photo of the rappers with the space invader game over it, to create even more synergy. Some example of the Bestie Boys digi pak covers are:

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