Thursday 18 March 2010

Task 4 - Who would be the audience for your media product?

The audience age range we aimed out media product was 16-30 year olds that will mostly be male. We thought his would be the most appropriate as our movie involves violence, gangs and conflict over a woman. This would appeal to mostly men as they can relate to our product more so then women. Stimulating scenes like a first death within the first two minute of screen time shows what kind of movie this will be. I think for the type of film we made that it would have a very strong majority of audience that share common interests. Just like most romantic comedies are aimed at women viewers, this thriller will appeal mostly to men. Although it does not contain nudity or scenes of a sexual nature like others like it, it will still hold their concentration for an hour and a half. Ways to do this are incorporating car chases, more violence, gory deaths, smart gadgets and humour into the film. Our target audience will be similar to that of films like James Bond, Fight club and Memento.
A profile of the typical watcher would be:

Age: 21
Occupation: student
Hobbies: Playing sports, going to the cinema, music festivals
This is a male of 21 years who enjoys watching thriller movies. His social class does not hugely matter but we predicted that middle classed men may be more likely to watch these film then upper middle class men. This is because the plot isn’t as thought provoking as other movies and it does not contain any movie stars. If our movie was a day time televisions show it would give away which social group it was being aimed at. For example, shows being shown at 6:00 am are being marketed to children whereas shows being shown at 11:00 am may be marketed to the elderly. Both people who didn’t attend and attended higher education will be attracted to this film. His psychographic profile may include interest like playing and watching sports, their attitude would be fun loving and interested in many different peoples’ lives. The reason we feel a large proportion of women will not come to watch this movie is because they are generally not hugely interested in weapons, gadgets and scenes that have violence. Although some may be, the majority will not have any interesting in coming to see this film.

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