Thursday 18 March 2010

Task 3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

As a group we chose Lionsgae to distribute our thriller. Their films are usually full of violence, gore and mystery; for example The Bank Job and The gamer. We feel Lionsgate would take an interest in our film because it ticks all of the boxes. Lionsgate is a very highly respected distributing company, which works to the films advantage too. For example they will know how to advertise and market our film to the right people. They are so experienced that they will be able to get the biggest profit possible. Our budget to make our thriller was very small and we just used props we already had e.g. ashtrays, glasses, bottles etc. Lionsgate also takes on low budget movies and turns them in to well known franchises like Saw. Saw has had six other film been made and it think Lionsgate as a distributor had a large part to play in this. Lionsgate has six films coming our between April and August this year, three of then being thriller/horror movies. This could suggest half the amounts of films they take on are the genre of horror.

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