Wednesday 31 March 2010

Audience feedback

Now that our thriller is on YouTube we have got some feeback in the form of comments :)

Audience feedback will help us determine whether we have met our target audience and gained their interest...

LegacyOleg - YouTube Comment
Awesome and very atmospheric opening!
I like it :)

Sophie Evans - Personal Comment

I like the creative shots such as the tracking shots and the slow motion shots. I also like the tension building element and the titles with the blood.

Gabby Meech- Personal Feedback

My favourite shot is the birdseye high zoom at the end :)

mutemiss - YouTube Comment
Good tension at the beginning with the eye shots....Constantly building and kept me watching!Music is very suitable.Well edited :) Well done.

schreuderha - YouTube Comment
I love all the close ups! especially on the eyes in the begining it is a great way to build tension. I also think the tracking shots are very effective especially at the end and the slow motion effects are also very cool.Well done :)

stephaniemaureen - YouTube Comment
the end shot is absolutely INCREDIBLE!

hurtwoodhousemedia - YouTube Comment
great opening shot.

fatboy22222222222222 - YouTube Comment
The characters in this are well designed as they all oppose their stereotypes e.g. the female crime boss

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