Saturday 2 January 2010


These are a few of our story bords we used when filming. These are used to give the director a more detailed outline of how the shots should look. In our group Cat Dixon made these after the group collectively joined together to talk about what was needed in each frame. This First storyboard shows how we are introduced to the main character (Niki) we see a tracking shot of her feet first, then the camera pans up her back until we can see he her. Next a man comes and joins her in walking down the road. Followed by a shot of her walking into the poker room. She wastes no time and sits down and says “ Deal me in boys” as if she is unfazed by them and perhaps they fear her a minimal amount. Bellow the pictures are some lines to specify the action and choice of shot occurring in the particular frame. It is very important to fill these out as the picture may not portray the action you think should be going on in the shot.

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