Friday 22 January 2010


Me and my group of Megan Knowles, Cat Dixon and Lauren Thornton- Clark are filming next week on the 27th. Alothough it had been a sturggle to get everything ready and organise our ever changing cast it seems everything is planned now. The biggest difficulty was getting six boys at As level who look the part and a were willing to be in our thriller. We were looking for older looking boys who looked like they may be gangsters or just powerful men. One of the big problems we had was asking and organising with some A2 boys to be in our short clip, after giving them blue cards ( to get out of lessons) their teachers told us that we were not allowed to use A2 students as they have their mocks around the time of our shoot. Despite this, I am still very pleased with our poker playing cast.
For the women gang boss we are using our carer’s advisor Niki, we decided to use a woman as it will cause more shock to the audience, they may expect it to be a young woman.
As for the toy boy we will be using Luke Chapman. We chose him as he has a less stern face then the poker players. By allowing him to wear a shirt instead of a suit (like the poker players) this will also differentiate him from them. Whilst the poker game is happening he will be sitting at the bar watching the bar man poor drinks and mix cocktails.
For the role of the murderer we will be using our very own Media Studies teacher Guy Stanley. We though Guy would not only be perfect for this part because of his build but also because he like Niki, is not a teenager. The audience may be able to link them together this way.

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