Friday 29 January 2010

set with the actors in it

This shows our first shot of Niki walking in to the room and sitting down with the boys. You can almost see the tracks we laid down on the floor (on the bottom left side of the frame) to navigate the camera around the table. Also, the atmosphere on the table can be seen in the photo. We put a door into the back left side of the set because it was needed for three people to walk in through: Niki, Luke and Guy. The door was very important for the most important characters to make an enterance as it is very central in all of the frames. The authenticity of the table was very important for our thriller. It was crucial it looked real to make the right effect on the audience.

After, long consideration we have come up with a concept of how we want our sequence to look. OPening with the poker game and a lady walking in wearing a red dress. and ending with a gunshot, and for a red 'blood' curtain to fill the screen.
We like how the James Bond 'Casino Royale' credits are floating around a 'card' animation of the Queen of Hearts, Ace of Spades etc.... In order for us to have the ability to do this, we do need to draw some animations to use.
I like the effect that it brings to an actioned scene before, as the card game is the focal point of the narrative. Due to the cards playing a big factor in the film itself. Another reason why I am interesting in us trying this, is because it isnt your convential credits.

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