Thursday 23 December 2010


In this task our group must come up with a promotional poster for our up and coming band. To start this project we needed to research into popular layouts and conventions of bands posters. To do this we used the internet, especially Google as the search engine has an images section which is perfect for what we need to further our ideas of what a music video should look like. We primarily looked at the Beastie Boys music posters to see how they have really given off a vibe that suites their style of music. Next we looked at popular bands that are around now to see how the music poster layout has progressed and developed. Through doing this research we learnt techniques that help us understand what it is that makes a great poster stand and be more attractive to the human eye.

I will now take an example of a very different music poster to ours to highlight the differences in campaigns. I found a poster for the singer Justin Bieber used to advertise his new single “never say never”. From the poster we can see only a side image of him, not showing all of his face. On the other hand our band probably would be unable to have a side shot of them as their image has not yet been released so people would find it more difficult to recognise them and this could even potentially decrease sales. The writing is in block capitals spread diagonally across the portrait showing hat this is the most important part of the campaign. The word “NEVER” is highlighted in purple, perhaps proving the colour choice is to draw in girls and draw their attention to the poster. This is backed up by the fact that Justin Bieber target audience is mainly girls from the ages of 10-16. In a smaller yet still fully visible text it tells the audience they can come and watch the show some time in February, potentially the uncertainty of the actual viewing date means that this poster was created way in advance to the actually shows, trying to create a buzz. Also, the simplistic layout and easily readable text could also be a method to attract people, it is a known theory that a page with lots of writing will deter people from attempting to read at it so perhaps this theory was applied to this poster.

After deconstructing other popular pop stars music posters we now have to assemble one on our own. As we took many pictures on the shooting day of the characters we will incorporate the most fitting shot into the poster and then write the bands name and their song name and perhaps even the first gig or release date. This is a very important part of advertising our band and we must make sure that the colour scheme, photo choice and style of writing will draw in the attention of our target audience. When first starting to talk to Alex about this we thought of many different colour schemes and pictures to use. We really wanted to create the idea of a fun loving, young and unique group and hopefully in doing this our target audience of 16-23 years old will enjoy and be able to identify with the band. Finally we decided which picture to use and tried out many different styles of writing. To do this we used an application called Photoshop and so we were able to play around with the lighting and writing position using a wide range of tools available on this programme.

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