Monday 18 October 2010


8:40 am : hair and costumes for rappers

9:00 am : shoot begins (studio) with rappers doing the rap

11:00 am: break

12:oo am: more rapping filming doing their funny stunts

1: 00 pm: Lunch

2.15 Pm: hair, makeup and set up stage for the alien

2:25 PM: start
Shooting alien scenes (studio)

5:30 PM: alien shooting finish’s, clear up the studio

6:00 PM Finish shot day

We made a shooting schedule for our day of filming to give to the cast to let them know what we were planning to film and when. It is advantageous to have one as some students were unable to get out off all lessons of the day so they could know when they would be needed. Equally, we had to know what the set had to be left like on the Friday evening for a prompt start on Monday.
I posted it on my blog to show the various stages of planning that must be put into making a pop promo. I find, the more you can plan prior to the day of actually filming, the lower the possibility of anything going wrong. Thus, Alex and I wanted to ensure every aspect of the day had been accounted for and checked over to ensure a smooth day and not to waste any time.

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