Monday 19 October 2009

Prelim post production blog

Last Friday we started to edit our tapes in the editing sweet. We got into our groups and logged on to the Final cut Server, this was a new programme to not only new to us but the school too. We went into the programme and checked out all of our footage then accessed the edit proxy (digital copy of the footage) of the original footage to use in our exercise.
Continuity Editing is very important to smooth over the discontinuity of the editing. For example if you cut together two frames the sound would be inconstant and repetitive. By choosing the speed or speech we can force the audience to identify with certain characters. Film language is used so that people understand what is happening on screen for example we commonly started with the mid shot to establish the characters and their relationship. The general order if filming shots are wide shot, mid shop, over the shoulders then close ups.

Logging Shots
We made a file entitled “log bin” for our best shots in each category. We chose the shots that looked the smoothest with no continuity. Also some shots had too much head space or the shots had too much light in them. Luckily none of our shots were out of focus so we did have the choice of using all of them. It took our group a long time to select the takes we wanted to use but I think we selected the right ones.

Organising your shots
Before starting the preliminary task we were given a story board. This consisted of four wide, four over the shoulder and four close ups. The shots were selected to show emotion to the audience and to ensure they understood the story; they were in a simple formation as it was our first time filming.

Shot Order
As our task was set out in shots that we had to stick to, this meant there was a pattern to follow which made this easier for us. It was difficult as our actors did not always hit their point or eliminate continuity so we had to delete many frames. To get shots from the left side to the right we had to hold down the “I” key for in then, hold down the “O” key to cut that particular piece of footage. Once done, we dragged it down onto the editing time line and perfected the sound on it.

Editing in Final Cut
We cut from James’s entering the room to Fiona’s eyes anxiously glancing at him then looking away. By using the ECU on her eyes, all of the audiences focus is drawn to them, rather then whatever was being said.

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