Monday 14 December 2009

Changing our idea

The thriller idea had changed from the original idea within the first week. We have now come up with a thriller idea which is more suited for an opening sequence of a film. We feel tenstion and mystery can be built up more dramatically during a poker game. The idea is basically a very tense poker game and which there is one woman sitting at the table. The bets rise and rise until it comes to a million dollars worth of cars, drugs etc. The bodyguards at the door look at each other in a smiling type of way, suddenly there are cut ins of tracking shots of very shiny and expensive looking shoes going through a street. As the suspense gets higher and higher within the room, the door bursts open and a gun is fired to a younger looking man sitting at the bar. There is then a blackout and the movie name "Ace" in blocks capitals splattered with blood. We will incorporate the title sequence into this by adding then to the side of each person in the poker game, then if needed by the villain feet in the poker game. The suspense will be added by having a slow but sure increase in the price of the bet, ranging from hundreds of pounds the millions.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Shot List

Thses are all of the different types of shots we need to make out thriller the way we story boarded it. Although we tried to stick to this on the day of the shoot it was difficult as we didn’t have some of the actors for the whole day. We also had time to shoot some shots that we had not storyboarded for example shots of eye contact and poker players placing their cards down, this would give the whole sequence a more real feel to it.

-Birds Eye shot of when Luke gets shot and everyone scattering.
-Low angle shot of two cards being peeked at.
-Close up of something on table then tilt up to a player with Luke in the background not in focus.
-Extreme close up of Niki’s eyes.
-Tracking shot around the table, with everyone putting something in.
-Medium shot of Felix stressed (fixing his tie) then tilts down to close up of him putting in the keys on top of the chips.
-Medium shot of Guy walking in to shoot Luke.
-Tracking shot of Niki entering, tracking round to when she sits down “deal me in boys”
- Close up shots of chips being thrown in and cards being fanned out for opening sequence of title.
-Close ups of everyone’s faces.
-Extreme close ups of everyone’s faces.
-Tracking shot of money being pulled out of his jacket.
-Close-ups of drinks being drunk, cards being dealt, chips being thrown in.
- Cut away shots of drink being poured in glasses.
-Medium shot of Luke pouring drinks.
-Close up focus change shot of cards-bottom right. Then change focus to poker player drinking a drink.
-Close ups of Tym and Min panning to thinks on a table.
-Two shot of Oleg and Seyi talking and looking at the table, as if they are watching Min and Tym battling it out. (To do this we had to turn the characters round the table so they can do their chat, with the brick background.