Thursday 19 November 2009

MY power point about horror movies

What is a horror film?

A horror film has three main aspects

Firstly, the movie should be personal to the audience. They use fears that are very common for example a girl being raped. This means that the film is personal to you, you may feel something like this could happen to you as in the movie they too are very normal. I think a scary film would include a young girl like me going about her daily routine when something alarming happen like a murder or rape. As long as the audience could identify with the actors and plot it will alarm them.

Next the film needs an ideological meaning. They are either obvious or hidden but never the less present. For example, in basic horrors an essential idea is that the virgin always survives and the drug taking friend will die. Although, some movies like Scream challenge this with a pre plot type of thing and kill a well known star die within the first few minutes. Towards the end of the movie we also see the community bettering themselves, priest find their faith again and parents become more consoling and understanding. I find that after watching a real life based story it makes me more cautious of my surroundings and perhaps they wish to have this effect on people.

Thirdly, the idea that the film will be able to franchise and make series is crucial to film makers. Horror franchises beyond other genres in term of sequences because of the profit involved. For example, saw one, two, three, four, five and six. It seems that blood and gore never grows tiring for the audience like romantic comedies and documentaries do. Some would say this is because they are just like going on a rollercoaster; you feel a rush and uncontrollably excited at first. But at other times your in suspense or you come to a halt, you feel somehow attached and involved to the movie, responsible in a way to tell them to duck down or run faster. When we get off a rollercoaster we feel energised and super aware like when leaving the cinema or living room from seeing a horror movie.

On wikipedia Horror Films are described as:
Horror films are movies that strive to elicit the emotions of fear, horror and terror from viewers. Their plots frequently involve themes of death, the supernatural or mental illness. Many horror movies also include a central villain.

Friday 6 November 2009

still camera


Photography brings a visual language that is universal in understanding. We must then understand its vocabulary which consists of shapes, textures, patterns, lines, colours, shade of light to dark and sharp to blurry images. Just as we must learn to arrange words in a coherent order in order to make sense when we write or speak, so too must we put visual elements together in an organized manner if our photographs are to convey their meaning clearly and vividly.
Composition means arrangement: the orderly putting together of parts to make a unified whole; composition through a personal, intuitive act. However, there are basic principles that govern the way visual elements behave and interact when you combine them inside the four borders of a photograph. Once we have sharpened our vision and grasped these basic ideas of principles, then we will have the potential for making our photographs more exciting and effective than ever before.

The Rule of Thirds
One of the most popular 'rules' in photography is the Rule Of Thirds. It is also popular amongst artists. It works like this:
Imaginary lines are drawn dividing the image into thirds both horizontally and vertically. You place important elements of your composition where these lines intersect. I've even made a little diagram for you (fig 1).
As well as using the intersections you can arrange areas into bands occupying a third or place things along the imaginary lines. As you can see it is fairly simple to implement. Good places to put things; third of the way up, third of the way in from the left , you get the idea. Duff places to put things; right in the middle, right at the top, right at the bottom, away in the corner.
Using the Rule of Thirds helps produce nicely balanced easy on the eye pictures. Also, as you have to position things relative to the edges of the frame it helps get rid of ' tiny subject surrounded by vast empty space' syndrome.

One last thing about the Rule of Thirds,once you have got the hang of the Rule of Thirds you will very quickly want to break it. As I said earlier the rules are basically used as guidelines and if you can create a better image by making your own rules then this is very benificial. The Rule of Thirds is structured.

basic camera shots

I uploaded this picture to show a range of camera shots used when making a thriller. Each shot conveys a different characteristic or emotion to the audience. For example, an extreme close shot would show the audience the actors true emotions, but a long shot could be used to show off a persons clothing or body. There are many other more complicated shots used as well; for example a weather shot or a cut in. A weather shot is very important to show the audience the surrounding of the story and could also be used to symbolise the mood of the scene.

photo of photoshop on the computer

This picture is on my blog because it is very important to see how many different applications there are. You can edit your picture to make it seem more spookey, lighter or in a different colour.